Select Chapter


Next Kuntinee-shakti-yantra:

Now we shall deal with kuntinee-shakti yantra. In mid-summer, out of the myriad heat rays of the sun, by the union of the 3, 5, and 10th class of rays, a fierce force of blazing heat named kulakaa is generated.

It is said in “Ritukalpa”,

From the solar heat generative source 3 Mahaakshoni and 21 crores 500 lakhs 16 thousand and nineteen heat rays emanate. They are classified into 5 crores 8 thousand and 107 groups in Vaalmeeki ganita. Each group is divisible into 100 sub-groups. Of these when the rays of sub-groups 3, 5, 10 from the second group get mixed up in the heart of summer, a force called Kulakaa with fiery intensity is generated; and when it moves into the path of the flying vimaana, the plane will be reduced to ashes. To protect against that the kuntinee-shakti yantra should be installed in the neck portion of the vimaana.

Sage Narayana also says:

Amongst the divisions of the heat rays of the summer sun, the second group has 85000 rays. Out of them those numbered 8, 3, and 10 are specially intense, and they attract the pramlochana shakti from koorma portion of the universe, and produce a fierce heat-wave called kulikaa. If a vimaana happens

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to encounter it in its course, it will be burnt to ashes. To safeguard against that the kuntinee-shakti yantra should be installed in the neck section of the vimaana.

Lallaachaarya also confirms:

Out of the many groups of the heat-rays of summer, numbers 3, 5, and 10 in the 32nd division of the 2nd group of rays’ tend to contact the pramlochana shakti in koorma and produce a fierce force called kulakaa which will destroy the vimaana. The erection of the kuntinee-shakti yantra in the vimaana will prevent it from such destruction.

According to “Yantra Sarvasva”,

Among the constituent yantras of the vimaana, the kuntinee-shakti yantra is required to protect it from the combustible heat waves known as kulikaa in summer. Its parts are ground-plate, central switch-board, acid vessel cloth, with folds, chakradanti naala, milk

cloth, tube covering switches, revolving wheel equipped with electric wiring, and contracting mechanism.

The peetha or ground-plate should be 3 feet wide and ½ foot high, and round like a drinking bowl, seven kendras or centres commencing from the eastern side, turning switches in the seven centres, the acid vessel in the central kendra.

“Kriyaasaara” Says:

For capturing kulikaa the oil from gunja or the seeds of the shrub abrus and tobacco leaves, and mercury and shanaka crystal are recommended for use. The oils or acids of the seeds and tobacco leaves are to be filled in goblet like cup made of glass made of naaga, crownchika, and sowrambha metal, add purified mercury, and fix in the central kendra. Then apply the solar rays to the vessel. By the action of the rays on the acids the crystal in the vessel will become charged with a cold frigid force called krownchinee. Then when the kulikaa force enters the vessel with its fierce heat, it will be sucked in by the cold-storage crystal.

In the left kendra the cloth with folds should be fixed. Says “Patakalpa.–“

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In order to confine in the crystal the fierce heat of kulikaa it should be wrapped in the folds of a cloth of fine and strong texture made of spikenard and jute yarn, with 5 folds and 3 openings. From the openings 3 glass tubes should be projected with downward bends into 3 wide mouthed vessels. To the north–east must be fixed the chakradanti naala for attracting the kulikaa force. Snake-skin, gum of srini, woollen yarn, soft grass, should be boiled together and lac-coloured cloth-like glass prepared, and purified with sundikaa wood oil. It should he rolled in coils just as a snake circles up in coils and sleeps. The tiny glass tubes should be attached at the bottom of the chakradanti as directed.

Then ksheeree-pata naala, or milk-cloth tube is to be fixed. Made of milk-cloth with wide-opening, strong, soft, a tube should he inserted in the mouth of the chakradanti, and its end should be made to reach the hole in the peetha. Through that the kulikaa force makes its exit. After placing ksheeree pata naala like this with key, the electric wire connected central operating switch should be placed in the west. And to the north-east of it the vistritaasya or opening out switch should be fixed.

Says “Kriyaasaara”:

It should have two satchels, two openings, two right-revolving and reverse-revolving wheels. In the eastern opening should be fixed the 2 right-revolving wheels. And in the northern mouth should be fixed the 2 reverse motion wheels. And as in an umbrella, sticks connecting all the parts with the centre, for the purpose of expansion and contraction by turning a switch. By operating the switch in the eastern opening all parts will open out or expand. By operation of the northern switch all parts will close up. This is the upasamhaara keelakaa.

Having enumerated the parts of the yantra, their operation is now given. First the electric switch. By putting it on, the Bhraamanee chakra or pivotal wheel will revolve setting in motion individual parts as and when desired by turning their respective switches. Then electric current should be passed to the acid containing the crystal. Solar rays also should then be passed into it. Thereby, in the acid there will be generated a female shakti of 5 nyankas called sowlikaa. Similarly in the crystal there will be generated a male shakti of 8 nyankas called chulikaa. By operation of the electric

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current the two shaktis will get unified and produce an extremely cold shakti called “crownchinee,” capable of attracting the kulikaa. That crownchinee force should be projected through naala or tube towards the kulikaa, like imbedding a gunja pea in a lump of lac. Thereby the crownchinee will drag the kulikaa inside the yantra through the tube and drop it into the acid vessel where it will be imbibed by the crystal.

Then the patormikaa key should be turned, whereby the patormikaa will become wide open preventing any air from entering the crystal by covering it completely. Then the chakradanti key should be turned slowly, so that its mouth opens out and sucks the hot kulikaa from the crystal, and stores it inside itself. Then the key of the sookshmaadarsa naala, fine mirror tubes, should be operated. The kulikaa in chakradanti will emerge through the 3 tubes. Then the vistritaasya key should be operated quickly so that all the parts will open out, and the kulikaa shakti will get out and disappear, and the danger to the pilot will have passed. Then by operating the upasamhaara keelaka, the expanded parts will close up and the yantra will return to normalcy.

Now we shall deal with Pushpinee yantra. When the pilot has to travel during spring and summer months, the pushpinee yantra is intended to provide him with necessary comforts.

According to “Khetavilaasa”:

In spring a force called sowrikaa emanates from the south-east. And in summer a force called panchashikhaa arises in the north-west and is intensified by the sun’s rays. Panchashikhaa contains two kinds of poisons. Sowrikaa having fire and moon contents is cold and hot, cold internally, and hot externally. It generates warmth in all creations, making the human kind perspire, and the trees and vegetation bring out their milk and gums. Thereby their bodies are relieved of harmful materials likely to lead to diseases.

By its cold effect and attracting the spring effect from the solar rays, it permeates all things, and brings out shoots, tendrils, flowers and a glow in all trees and creepers. Similarly it effects the 7 physiological components of the human body and increases their vigour, strength, growth, and glow.

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Panchashikhaa shakti or force effects movable and immovable life adversely by its stultifying influence, shrinks and dries up the growth process of both vegetable and animal life and causes deterioration. To counteract this harmful effect of the season on

the personnel of the vimaana, the pushpinee yantra is commended as one of the constituents of the aeroplane.

Its parts are, the base, the cold processing mirror, keelaka or key, cold generating crystal, acid vessel, electric wheel with 100 spokes.

The sunda-mud made glass is prepared, according to “Paarthiva-paaka Kalpa” as follows. Take salt, shinjeera, bone, and betel-nut salt, durona, kuruvinda grass (cyperus rotundus), gum, sowraashtra mud, virinchi vatika or banyan bark, silk cotton tree bark, and coir salt, these ingredients are to be taken in the proportion of 5, 12, 2, 3, 8, 3, 30, and 6, purified, filled in the crucible, and placed in the tortoise shaped furnace, boiled 32 times in 100 degree heat with the help of two faced bellows, and the resulting fluid poured into the cooling yantra. A pure and fine sunda-mud-glass will be formed.

With the glass thus produced by boiling 32 times, a base is to be formed 12 inches wide, 3 inches high, four-square or circular. From the centre of it 4 kendras or centres are to be marked. In the centre an arm-sized pivot made of the said glass should be fixed. On top of it is to be fixed the cold-processing mirror key. At its centre should be fixed the cold producing crystal. At the eastern centre should be placed the acid vessel.

Dravapaatra or acid vessel is described in “Kriyaasaara.” It should be 12 inches wide and 12 inches high, shaped like a tumbler, circular, and hard like a cocoanut shell, and be made of the sheeta-ranjikaa glass.

The glass is described in “Darpana Prakarana”. Shasha-piththa, udupiththa, borax, kutmala, jyotsnaa saara, rasonta kanda flour, kudupa-salt, mica salt, shoundeera jangha shalya flour, vaatohara, white niryaasa earth salt, and uragha.

These 12 ingredients should be taken in the proportion of 5, 3, 5, 1, 10, 10, 11, 8, 7, 2, 20, and 6, and after properly purifying them, fill them in lotus-shaped crucible, and placing it in the lotus shaped furnace filled with

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burning charcoal, and with the aid of the five-mouthed bellows blow the heat to 323 degrees temperature, and pour the liquid into the yantra. The resulting glass is called sheeta-ranjikaadarsa or cold-receptacle glass.

Cold-producing crystal is described in “Maniprakarana”: 5 parts of couries and manjula powder, 4 parts udumbara salt, 3 of rubhna, 8 parts of varchulaka, 7 of sheeta ranjikaadarsha, 3 of vatu, 28 of shaalmali, 3 of salts, 7 of mercury, 8 of white mica, 8 of karkataanghri salt, 5 of chowlika satva, 15 of niryaasa earth, 25 of sampaathi bird kneebone–

These 14 ingredients, in the named proportions are to be purified and filled in mritkundala-moosha or earthen crucible, and placed in kulakundika furnace, and with the aid of tryambaka bellows blown into 300 degree temperature. Fill the boiled liquid into the mani-prasoothika, or crystal forming yantra. The crystal produced will be pure, hard, and intensely cold.

In front of it should be fixed .the electric panka wheel, with 100 spokes and electric wiring, and purified by 3 acids.

As per “Kriyaasaara,” 12 parts of copper, 3 of collyrium, 8 of zinc, should be mixed and melted with 100 degree heat. It will become pure like gold, yellow, fine, soft, and strong. It is called pancha-loha or five-in-one metal by those who know. 100 leaves like those of lotus should be formed out of them. Then 3 navels, three navel keys, and 3 wires, and a sounding keelaka or key, or switch, or wheel.

First the navel wheels with hinged rods should be fixed so that the 100 petals will he made to revolve with due speed on the four sides of the wheel. Similarly by the side of the wheel in front of it, another 100 petals should be properly fixed for revolving in reverse direction. And electric wires should be fixed on both sides of the centre of the western wheel, for operating the 100 spoked electric panka or fan. Then the vessel should be filled with the cold generating acid. And encircling the cold-generating mani or  crystal, it should be placed in another vessel in the centre. And copper wiring enclosed in milk-cloth should be attached to the wire in the acid vessel. Two wires from there with switches should be connected with the cold ranjikaa glass or mirror in right-turning fashion. Then current should be switched into the electric wiring in the crystal and acid. Then by the contact of the electric current the forces within the crystal and the acid will get active and their

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combined cooling and comforting quality will enter the cold ranjanikaa mirror and concentrate in it. On operating the switch attached to it, the cold effect will spread out all over the interior of the vimaana, and overcoming the scorching seasonal effect, make it comfortable and pleasant for the pilot, and restore his efficiency. Similarly the 100 spoked panka (fan?) should be switched on, when a breeze will be generated and air- condition the atmosphere of the pilots. Thus by the use of the crystal, acid, and panka, a state of pleasant comfort will be induced, and vigour, exhilaration, and competence will be injected into all the limbs of the body. Therefore this Pushpinee yantra should be installed in the southern section of the vimaana.

Next Pinjula Aadarsha or Pinjulaa Mirror:

By the collision of two winds giving rise to a whirlwind, and the fierce solar ray dashing against it, a lightning bolt erupts and strikes the unwary vimaana. To protect against such an event, the pinjula mirror is to be installed. An eight petalled lotus is to be made of the pinjula glass. Where the petals join, a circular dandaakaara should be made. At the back two hinged bolts should be fixed. They should be wound round by wires from the cold mirror. The back should be covered with a coir-made cloth covering. It should be fixed in the southern side of the vimaana, at an arm’s height, facing the sun. The lightning will be absorbed by the projecting rods coiled with wires from the cold aadarsha mirror, and no evil effect will occur, and the pilot can proceed in safety.

And Naalapanchaka or Five tubes:

If the smoke from the kitchen over of the vimaana spreads, it will cause discomfort for

people inside. Therefore the five tubes or pipes should be inserted for the smoke to go out and the air become clear. The pipes are to be manufactured as follows. Magnetic iron, pinjula mica, ghontaara metal, dhoomapaasya metal, and tortoise shell, are to be taken in the proportion of 1, 7, 5, 5, 8, purified, filled in crucible, and melted with 100 degree  heat, and when ultimately cooled, a fine metal called vaataayanee metal, or window metal will result shining like gold.

With that metal 5 tubular outlets, 12 inches in diameter and 12 inches in length, should be fashioned. At one end of each of the tubes should be fixed

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a smoke-absorbing crystal. The tubes should be inserted in the 4 sides of the vimaana, forming outlets. One tube should be fixed at the ceiling. The dhoomapa crystals will attract the smoke and pass it to the outside, and clear the vimaana of its discomfort. Hence the necessity for the naalapanchaka, or five tubes.
Then Guhaa-garbha aadarsha yantra, or hidden mine discovering mechanism: According to “Yantra Sarvasva” enemies would have placed mines and bombs
underground for the destruction of the vimaana, unless they are discovered and de-fused in time there would be danger. Therefore the mine-finder yantra has to be installed in the vimaana.

Says kriyaasaara, out of the 72nd type of glass, make a triangular, a circular, and a quadrangular shaped glass mirrors. These are to be fixed as follows with bolts made of pancha-dhaaraa metal in a frame made of the wood of the anjishtha tree. The circular mirror should be fixed at the bottom facing downwards. The quadrangular mirror should be fixed facing upwards. The triangular mirror should be fixed to the west of these two, with a panchamukha keelee or 5 faced hinge. From the main pivot of the quadrangular mirror to the foot of the bolt at the south-east corner of the yantra, wires made of copper, tiles, and panchaasya metal should be drawn and connect them, and then the wire ends and chumbaka crystal should be placed in the mercuric-sulphur acid vessel. Four other wires should be made to circle the triangular mirror, pass through the mirror facing upwards, and fixed to the centre of the down-ward facing mirror. Then solar rays should be let in from the western side. A screen cloth coated with mirror-like gum should be placed opposite to the triangular mirror. Then the solar rays and electric current should be passed into the acid vessel containing the crystal. When the electrified rays from the crystal are passed on to the downward facing mirror, they will explore the ground over which the vimaana is to pass, and discover mines and bombs like mahagola and agni- garbha, which may have been inserted there and reflect their complete picture in the crystal in the acid vessel. The picture will then be projected to the screen opposite in clear detail, and by washing with chemicals present a perfect photograph of the buried mines and bombs, which could then be destroyed by due safety measures. Therefore the guhaa- garbha aadarsha yantra or mine-discovering yantra is essential for a vimaana.

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[paragraph continues] Its parts are as follows:

First the 72nd type of mirror, known as suranjitaadarsha. “Darpana Prakarana” says:

Madder-root, live coal, ox-gall, snake-gourd, mercury, karanja or galedupia arborea, copper, 3 kinds of sharkara (sugar or sand?), borax, sulphur, chaaru or silk-cotton bark, lac, kuranga, rouhinee, iron-rust, panchaanana, liquid amber, Shiva or brionia laciniosa, vishwa, mica, paarvanija, vydoorya gem stone, in the proportion of 11, 27, 5, 7, 7, 3, 7, 5,
20, 3, 7, 3, 1, 32, 30, 38, 8, 7, 3, 9, 30, duly pulverised and filling in a beaked crucible, placed in a vaaraaha furnace, and heated to the 100th degree with the aid of the tortoise- shaped bellows. When the finely boiled liquid is poured in the cooling yantra, suranjika glass of exquisite quality will result, out of which three mirrors have to be fashioned for the guhaa-garbha-aadarsha yantra.

Aanjishtha Tree

Kriyaasaara says, “Many kinds of trees are suitable for use in making yantras. Of them all the tree called aanjishtha is the finest.” “The trees having 5 qualities are 87 in number. The best among them all is aanjishtha,” says “Udbhijya tatva saaraayanee.”

Agatatvalaharee also says, the five qualities such as the capacity to capture reflections, and others, are found inherent in the Aanjishtha (or madder root) tree. Therefore out of all woods the wood of that tree is most suitable for use in this yantra.


In making yantras, pivots of various metals are being used. But for use in connection with the guhaa-garbha-aadarsha, or hidden mine discovering instrument, the shankus or pivots made of pancha-dhaaraa-loha or five alloy metal are the best.

Kshvinkaa, iron-pyrites, copper, indra, and ruruka, purified, powdered, and filled in mrugendra moosha crucible and boiled to 300 degree heat with beaked bellows, will yield a 5 alloy metal, strong and heavy.

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Paara-granthika acid for insertion of the crystal, is described in “Moolikaarka prakaashikaa.” Mercury, bamboo salt, Indian spikenard joint, paarvanika or clerodendrum phlomides, svarna seeds or Indian labernum seeds? or yellow thistle seeds?, and ghatotkaja or American aloe, in equal quantities, should be filled in a big bellied earthen pot, heated to yield a golden hued shining liquid, which is very useful for capturing reflections.

Chumbaka crystal is the one most suited for use in capturing reflections of objects. It is manufactured as per “Manipradeepikaa,” with the following ingredients. Magnet, sand, borax, ivory, shoundika or long pepper, mercury, paarvana or clerodend rum phlomoides, copper, vermillion, iron-pyrites, grudhnika, souri or marking nut, buffalo hoop, vishwakapaala, cleaned and powdered, and filled in karpala crucible and baked in a furnace with the aid of owl-nosed bellows to 100 degrees, will yield a fine image producing crystal.

Pigment for coating the screen so as to present a clear picture, is called “Roopaakarshana-

niryaasa,” or image reproducing niryaasa or varnish. Out of 360 such varnishes that is the best.

Says “Niryaasa kalpa”:

Moonstone, crownchaka, bamboo rice, five milks from banyan, fig, keg etc., trees, magnet, udusaara, mercury, mica, pearl, earth from ant-hill, saarasvata oil, and nakha or nail? these 16 articles to be taken in equal parts, purified, should be ground for a period of 30 days in the juice of the peacock’s egg, then mixed with bilva oil and boiled for four yaamaas or twelve hours until it becomes a perfect gum or varnish. Some call it reflector varnish. Some call it virinchi-varnish.

The varnish is to be evenly spread on the special cloth called patadarpana, so that it may present as on a cinematograph screen, the pictures reflecting the location of anti-aircraft mines discovered by the roopaakarshana yantra.

The production of Pata-darpana is described in “Darpana-prakarana”:

Gum, cotton, pratolikaa, kuranga or pallatory root, maatanga or keg tree bark, cowries, kshoneeraka, gholikachaapa, granite sand, parotikaa, sea-foam, priyangava, ghanjhotikaa, sugar-cane, rukma or argemone mexicana,

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kesara or mesua ferraa gum, earthen salt, suvarchala, urugha, bydaara oil, muchukunda flour, sinjaanu, anchaalika, turmeric, kaarmuka or acacia catechu, these ingredients in the proportion of 100, 58, 25, 28, 4, 12, 5, 3, 1, 30, 10, 5, 8, 12, 3, 13, 22, 27, 28, 3, 24, 7, 3,
13, should be cleansed, powdered, filled in a vessel, and boiled in the furnace with 100 degree heat, and the unified fluid should be poured on a flat surface so as to form an even surfaced sheet. After drying, the photographic niryaasa varnish is to be used to coat this sheet, for use in the Guhaa-garbha aadarsha-yantra.

Thamo yantra or Darkness creating yantra:

Vimaanaas are liable to be attacked by enemies with poison fumes of Rouhinee or krakachaarimani rays. As a protection against it the thamo yantra has to be installed in the vimaana. Out of 132 types of thamo-yantras, the 62nd variety is said to be the best for safe-guarding against poison fume and ray attacks by the enemy.

Black lead, aanjanika (collyrium?), vajra-tunda are to be powdered and mixed in equal quantities, filled in fish-shaped crucible and placed in crow shaped furnace, heated to 100 degrees, and poured into the cooling receptacle will yield a fine, light, strong thamo- garbha-loha, or darkness impregnated alloy metal, useful for making Thamo-yantra.

The peetha or stand is to be 3 feet wide and ½ foot high, square or round. In the centre of it is to be fixed the pivot. At its front should be placed the vessel of the acid of guggala or Indian dellium. To the west should be fixed the mirror for enhancing darkness, and in the east should be fixed the solar ray attracting tube. In the centre should be fixed the wire operating wheel, and to its south should be fixed the main operating wheel or switch.

Its working is as follows. On turning the wheel in the south east, the two faced mirror fixed to the tube will revolve and collect the solar rays. By operating the wheel in the north west, the acid in the vessel will begin functioning. By slightly moving the wheel in the south-east, the solar rays will enter the crystal in the acid vessel. By turning the wheel in the west, the darkness intensifying mirror will begin to function. By turning the central wheel the rays attracted by the mirror will reach the crystal and

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envelop it. Then the main wheel should be revolved with great speed, when the darkness will be produced enveloping the vimaana and making it invisible, and the efforts of the enemies to attack it with poison gas and rays will miss their target and become ineffective. This yantra should be placed in the north-west sector of the Vimaana Panchavaataskandha-Naala.

Iron rust, shaarana, copper, suvarchala salt, in equal parts, to be filled in mayookha crucible, placed in jumboo-mukha furnace, and using kaakamukha bellows boiled to 102 degrees and cast in the yantra, will yield a pure, light, soft, strong, nice cool metal known as vaatadhaarana loha.

4 tubes, each 2 yards long and 1 yard high, should be prepared. Like the circular opening in the top of the vimaana two openings on each and one at the bottom should be prepared. Each tube should be inserted in the said openings. Another tube 12 feet long and 3 feet high should be fixed on the western side in the opening at the top. To each tube should be attached bellows’ mouth operated by wheels. By turning the wheels of the 5 tubes the 5 poisonous winds will be sucked in and passed into the tubes to make their exit, without causing harm to the plane.

Lohasarvasva says:

There are 13 air layers known as Vrishni and others. By the force of the Panktiraadhasa Kendra, they tend to jostle each other, and generate fierce forces which will be  destructive to the unwary vimaana which may get involved in them. Therefore the Pancha-Vaata-Skandha-Naala Yantra is to be inserted in the back portion of the vimaana; to safeguard against evil consequences.

Roudree Darpana Mirror.

From the south-eastern side of the earth-sun axis solar rays touch the turbulent forces in the etherial regions, and burst into flames, and vimaanas which may be out on their  course may be destroyed by the flames. To prevent such a happening the roudree-darpana yantra should be installed in the bottom of the vimaana.

Says “Yantrasarvasva”, “At the time when spring passes into summer, the forces in the junctional regions of the sky, on contact by fierce solar

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rays, burst into tumultuous flames, and destroy all things that pass through, Therefore the roudree darpana should be fitted in the vimaana as a safe-guard against that.”

According to “Darpana Prakarana,” iron rust, magnet, veera iron, borax, panchaanana metal, mica, honey, red castor bark, banyan, suryavarchula or sweet-salt, gold, alika, shaarkara or benzoin tree bark, pancha tikta or 5 sours, snake gourd, and paaduka, are to be powdered, cleaned, and in equal quantities filled in padmaasya crucible, and placed in vishvodara furnace and heated to 200 degrees. The molten liquid poured into the mould will yield excellent flame-proof roudree-darpana glass.

With this roudree-darpana glass a plank of 16 feet in dimension should be prepared. A pivot 25 inches thick should be fixed at the centre of the plank. At the edge Of the pivot, two wheels should be fixed revolving with right motion and reverse motion for  expanding and contracting. A wheel equipped with rods for spokes should be fixed, the spokes being 15 inches from each other. Sheets made of roudree glass, washed with linseed, drona or lucas aspera, liquid amber, and madder root oils should be fixed to the rods with hinges. Similarly crystals made of roudree-darpana glass, with 5 facets, cleaned with the oils should be fixed at the end of the rods. Between each rod 18 leaves like lotus leaves with revolving keys should be fixed. The instrument is to be shaped like an umbrella. The leaves should be fixed at the pivot top with 8 keys.

When the burning flames are imminent, the pilot should turn the expansion wheel vigorously, and the umbrella will open up and provide a shielding cover for the vimaana. The lotus petals, the crystals, and the enveloping cover will protect the vimaana from the threatened danger.

Next, the Vaata-skandhana-naala. According to “Gati-nirnaya-adhyaaya”
In the Aavaha and other giant wind spheres there are 122 kinds of different motions of the wind. In the summer season the 79th kind of motion occurs mostly. When the vimaana travels in the 4th region of the sky, it tends to zig-zag owing to the wind currents, and cause hardship to pilots and other occupants. Therefore as a safe-guard against it, the Vaatastambhana-naala-yantra should be installed in the bottom section of the vimaana.

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Says “Yantra Sarvasva”,

The vaatastambhana naala yantra should be manufactured with the vaatastambhana metal only. According to “Lohatatva prakarana,” dantee or croton seeds, suvarchala or sun- flower salt, mayoora or sulphur, lohapanchaka or copper, brass, tin, lead, and iron, bhrisundika, suranjika or sulphate of mercury, varaahaanghri loha, virohina or creya arboria, kuberaka, muraarikaanghri metal, ranjika or phosphorus, suhamsanetraka, dala or folia malabathy, courie sea-shell, mrinaalikaa or lotus stalk, to be powdered, cleaned, and in equal quantities filled in matsya or fish-shaped crucible, and placed in maaghima furnace, and with the aid of vijrimbhana bellows duly melted, will yield a molten liquid which when poured into the mould and cooled will yield an excellent vaatastambhana loha.

With that metal 6 naalas or tubes of 15 inches diameter, with wide openings should be prepared and fixed in the tail and centre and front of the vimaana 10 inches deep, east to west and north to south, and held together with hoop iron binders. At the mouth of each tube a vaatapaa or air imbibing crystal should be fixed by wires. Between the tubes flags or pennants made of cotton-cloth duly processed, should be tied. And wheels made of the special metal should be fixed above each pennant. When the vaataayanee wind blast blows, the pennants will flutter noisily, and the wheels fixed underneath them will also revolve as also the crystals. The fluttering pennants pass the blowing wind to the wheels which pass them on to the crystals, which will pass them into the tubes from which they will be ejected through openings to the outside. That will protect the vimaana from their interference.

Next Vidyuddarpana Yantra. Sowdaaminee kalaa explains it as follows:
During the rainy season, when rain clouds gather in the sky, lightning of five kinds begin to play. They are named vaaruni, agnimukha, danda, mahat, raavanika. Of them, vaaruni and agnimukha are very active and fearful and are likely to be attracted by the roudree- darpana and other mirrors and cause fires which destroy the vimaana. In order to prevent that the vidyud-yantras should be installed in the front and the right side of the aeroplane.

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According to Yantra-Sarvasva:

In order to protect the plane from lightning, vaaruni and agni, the vidyuddarpana should be installed in the vimaana.

Darpana Prakarana explains its structure:

Kuranga or pallatory root, panchaasya metal, virinchi, shonaja or red lead, sand, alum, kutbha or hellebore, pearl, sundaaliga, mercury, yavakshaara or salt-petre, borax, bidouja salt, pingaaksha or terminalia chebula (?), cowries, and karbura or hedychum specatum, powdered and purified, in the proportion of 10, 7, 4, 3, 12, 2, 3, 7, 11, 27, 14, 3, 22, 18, 5, and 11, filled in padmaasya crucible, placed in vishvodara furnace, and with the aid of the 5 mouthed bellows heated to 500 degrees, the molten liquid will yield in the cooling mould a glass which is impregnated with 300 shaktis or forces, and can overpower the lightning blasts from the vaaruni and agni forces, shining with wonderful rays, and capable of spreading its own lighting force within 2 kshanas or a few seconds to a distance of 5 yojanas or 15 miles.

With that lightning darpana glass should be constructed the Vidyuddarpana yantra. A plank, 20 feet in diameter and 1 foot high, square or circular in shape should be prepared, 4 glass tubes of crescent moon shape should be fixed around the peetha or plank. In the centre should be fixed a cage made of chumbuka glass, fitted with wires and 5 faced switches at each face, and 5 goblets made of vidyuddarpana. In the centre should be fixed a spire made of the same glass with 7 cross spokes and tubes, 8 faced and 10 angled. By turning the key inside, the spire is to revolve with speed. That will attract and contain the

lightning emitted by the clouds. The rays will expel it to the outer air region, and incapacitate it. Then a snow-like cool temperature will render the interior of the vimaana safe and pleasant for the pilot and other occupants. Therefore this vidyuddarpana yantra should be installed duly in the vimaana.

Shabda-Kendra Mukha Yantra.

“Kriyaasaara”‘ says–

The spots from which sounds emanate in the sky are called shabda-kendras or sound centres. The different directions from which the sounds

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are projected are called shabda-kendra mukhas. The yantra which is meant to control the sounds so projected is called shabda-kendra mukha yantra.

Out of 304 classified sounds the sounds of water-laden clouds, wind, and lightning are said to be fiercest. In the 8th region of the sky these three sounds unify in the shishira Ritu or February-March period, and produce ear-splitting thunders. They would deafen pilots and others in the vimaana. As protection against that the shabda-kendra mukha yantra is to be installed.

It is said in Shabda-nibandhana, “By the combination of water, fire, air, and sky, sound is generated both among living and life-less objects. The sounds in the word “Shabdaha,” i.e., sha, b, d, and ha, indicate water, fire air, and sky symbolically.”

“Naamarthha-kalpa” says,

We shall deal with the nature of sound or “shabdaha”. The word consisting of sounds sha, ba, da, and ha, stands for water, fire, air, and sky. By the combination of these four forces in various proportions, 304 different kinds of sounds are generated.

The Braahmana bhaaga of the Veda also says shabdaas are of 304 kinds, such as sphota or embryo, very feeble sound, feeble sound, manda or soft, very soft, fast, very fast, medium, very medium, great sound, thunder sound, and thunder-bolt sound.

It is said in Yantra-Sarvasva,

In the 8th region of the sky, by the concatenation of water-cloud, wind and fire, an extremely fearful thunder clap will occur which will blast the ears of pilots who may enter the region. To safeguard against that the vaataskandha mukha yantra is to be installed in the vimaana.

In the 8th region of the sky there are 307 centres of sound. From the 70th centre a fierce sound proceeds by the force of water. From the 312th centre a fierce sound produced by wind will emanate. Similarly from the 82nd centre a fierce sound generated by lightning will emanate. By collision of the three a terrible sound will result which will deafen the pilots of the vimaana. Therefore facing each sound emanation centre the shabdopasamhaara yantra is to be established.

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The construction of the yantra is as follows:

Gavyaarika, monkey’s skin, duck-weed, shana-kosha or jute product, crounchika or lotus stalk, vaaripishtaka or shag, roonthaaka, flesh, elephant trunk, and tin, are to be purified, and the nine elements, other than the skin, in equal parts, filled in niryaasa yantra and baked for 3 days with buffalo bile, will yield a decoction of fine scarlet colour. Seven times this decoction should be spread on the skin, and left to dry in the sun. The skin will then acquire the capacity to suppress sound.

A box 2 feet long and 1 foot high made of badhira or deaf metal is to be made. Two pipes made of the same metal shaped like crane’s beak, should be fixed inside it. Above it should be fixed an umbrella made of shabdapaa darpana, or sound-drinking glass. A crystal washed with tulasee or basil seed oil should be placed inside the monkey skin and sealed with rhinoceros gum. The sealed skin with crystal should be placed in the central pipe inside the box. Monkey skin alone should be placed in the pipe on the left side. Thin wires should connect them all and be fitted with hinges and switches. Above the canopy of the box a monkey skin shaped like lion’s mouth should be connected by wire through a pipe to the crystal in the tube inside the box. The top of the box should be covered, securely.

Badhira loha or deaf-proof metal is explained in Lohatantra-Prakarana; lime fruit, laguda or sweet-scented oleander, virinchi, rishika or water-calteop, maaloora or Bengal quince, panchaanana metal, luntaaka, varasimhika or solenum xunthokurpum, kuravaka or gigantic swallow-wort, sarpaasya or mesua ferrea, vaakula or surinam medlar, jack-fruit, camphor and vatika or salvinia cusullata, in equal parts, purified, and filled in tryutee crucible, and heated in the furnace, will when cast produce a metal, cold, dark, sound- proof, powerful, able to control bleeding, and draw out missile parts from the war wounds of soldiers and healing them, and capable of reducing the effect of thunder claps.

The simhaasya bellows is to collect the fierce sound and transmit it to the crystal inside the metal box so that the monkey skin will absorb it and stifle its intensity. Therefore shabda-kendra mukha yantra should be installed in the vimaana.

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Vidyud-dwaadashaka Yantra, or Yantra of 12 lightnings is explained in Kriyaasaara. In the realm of the comets and shooting stars in the sky, at the 8th region there are
30703221 shooting stars. 8000 of them are prone to lightnings, and 12 of them known as
mahaakaala etc., are of importance.

Shakti-tantra says, “The 12 lightnings which form the eyes of the shooting stars are named, rochishee, daahakaa, simhee, patanga, kaalanemikaa, lataa, vrindaa, rataa, chandee, mahormee, paarvanee, mridaa.”

Kheta-sarvasva Says:

Mahaakaala, mahaagraasa, mahaajwaalaamukha, visphulinga mukha, deerghavaala,

khanja, mahormika, sphulinga-vamana, ganda, deergha-jihva, duronaka, and sarpaasya are 12 comets with 12 lightning eyes.

The lightning effects of the comets are extremely severe in the period of sharat or  autumn, October and November, and vasanta or spring, March and April. By the collision of the solar rays and the lightnings a force called ajagara is created. When the vimaana reaches the 20th region of the sky, that force paralyses the plane. To protect against such happenings the vidyuddwaadasha yantra is to be installed.

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