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Yantra Sarvasva also Says:

Vidyuddwaadasa yantra is excellent in protecting against the lightning effect of comets. Its details are as follow. First duly coated jataghana should be prepared. It should have 22 folds so as to cover the vimaana. Poundraka and other crystals should be fixed in each of the folds. Then mahorna acid should be placed inside in the north-east side of the vimaana. 8 rods, each of 6 arms length, made of anti-lightning glass should be fixed in  the 8 directions over the cover of the vimaana. At the beginning, middle, and end of the vimaana canopy, spring wheels made of dambholee metal, 5 faced and interconnected should be fixed with revolving bolts. Cages made of wire should enclose the poundraka crystals, and the wire terminals should be attached to the spring wheels. The wire ends from 4 of the cages should have a common switch.

On the main wheel being put in speedy motion the 12 crystal cages will revolve, the enveloping cloth cover will spread out, and the lightning

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absorbing power of the cloth will be activated. The crystals will attract the ajagara lightning, bifurcate the comet lightning from the solar rays, and transmit it to the 8 rods. The rods will absorb and then transfer the lightning power to the folds of the power proof cloth. By operating the central switch in the enclosure, a force called vidyut-kuthaarika, or lightning-axe, will be generated in the acid, and it will attract the comet force from the cloth, and submerge it in the acid. Then by operating the end switch in the enclosure, the ajagara force in the acid will dart towards the pataghana cloth-cover and take refuge, where upon the blowing wind will evaporate it and nullify its effects, and the vimaana will be out of danger.

According to Darpana Prakarana,

Shundaala metal, mridakaantaka or mountain ebony, ghanodara, budilaakara or tamarind, vatsanaabha poison, pankaja or eclipta prostrala, kutilaraga, naga or mesua ferrea, white sand, vara or syndhava salt, garada, mica, garala, or honey product, mukha, shringa, sphatika crystal, avara, muktaaphala or pearl? guggulu or boswellia glabra, kaanta or steel, kuranja or Indian beach, natron, salt-petre, borax, copper, snake scale, udupa,  barren tree, sonamukhee or Tinnevelly senna, brown barked acacia, jaambalika or citrus grass? lemongrass? kusha grass, kudmala or flower bud, gold, these 26 ingredients, purified and filled in crucible and placed in padmaakara furnace, and with the aid of simhaasya or lion-faced bellows heated to 300 degrees, and poured into the mould, will yield a fine anti-lightning glass.

Dambhola loha or thunderbolt metal is thus described in Lohatatitra-Prakarana:

Urvaaraka, kaaravika, kuranga, shundaalika, chandramukha, virancha, kraantodara, yaalika, simhavaktra, jyotsnaakara, kshwinka, pancha-mourtwika, metals should be purified and placed in mandooka-or frog-crucible, placed in the five faced furnace, and with the aid panchamukha or 5 mouthed bellows heated to 500 degrees, will yield the dambholi alloy.

Poundrika crystals are described in Maniprakarana which describes the poundrika crystal. Poundrika, jrimbhaka, shibira, apalochana, chapalaghna, amshupamani,
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veeragha, gajatundika, taaraa mukha, maandalika, panchaasya, amrita sechaka, these 12 crystals are destroyers of ajigara.

Draavaka prakarana explains mahorna acid: pynaaka, panchamukha, ammonium chloride, wild liquorice, iron-pyrites, kudupa, vajrakanda, budila, mercury, steel, charcoal, mica, these in equal parts purified and boiled in acid boiler, will yield mahorna acid.

Praana-Kundalinee Yantra.

According to “Kheta-Sarvasva,” where the contact of smoke, lightning and wind courses in the sky occurs is the praanakundalee position. The yantra which can control, restrain, and set in motion the forces of these three in their several courses, is called praana- kundalee yantra.

According to Kriyaasaara, the yantra which is installed in the praanakundalee kendra of the vimaana in order to control the forces of lightning, wind, and smoke, and adjusts their movements is called praana-kundalinee yantra.

Says Yantra-sarvasva, “In order to control the movements of the forces of smoke, electricity and wind, and make them disperse, move, halt, or make stunt move or reverse move, the praana-kundalinee yantra is installed in the vimaana. A peetha or stand 3 feet  in diametre and 3 feet high, square or. circular, should be made of vrishala metal, with 8 kendras or central spots. In each central spot, two wheels with revolving hinges; small peethaas or plates with 3 holes, 4 teeth, 3 pivots, in their middle a central pivot, three red- coloured tubes or pipes with opening and closing wheels, and switches for right motion, and reverse motion, with a shabda-naala in the centre, with wheels (with hinges and rods) which will flap the wings; from the north-east and south-east kendras and the middle- kendra in the west up to the middle of the course of the yaana kundalinee revolving wheels with pivots. Motions are by means of hand wheels. By the operation of the several wheels the plane will be set in motion. From the central pivot of the 8 kendras strong wires should pass the eastern peetha or footboard through randhras or holes and reach the tops of the 3 tubes at the window. The 3 forces should be made to aid the motion of the vimaana, and the remnant of the force should be passed through the 8 tubes and get lost  in the sky, leaving the vimaana unperturbed.”

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Shaktyudgama Yantra

The eight powers of the planets and stars, at the time of full moon in the month of kaartika,–i.e., November-December, are pulled forcefully by mahaa-vaarunee shakti or great cold force. In the 137th route in the sky there is a jala-pinjooshikaa shakti which will attract and spread them all over, and there will be a fierce outburst of dew and snow. Then 3 currents will be generated: one will be a damp cold air flow; the second will be a wet dewy flow; and the third will be a cold air flow. When the vimaana approaches that region, the first force will divest it of all power. The second force will benumb the pilots and operators. The third force will envelop the vimaana and make it invisible. Thus overcome, the vimaana will crash. As protection against such a happening the shaktyudgama yantra should be fixed in the navel spot of the vimaana.

“Khetasangraha” says,

“Eight planets are, Mars, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, and Ruru. And krittikaa, shatabhisha, makha, mrigashiras, chitra, shravana, pushya, and ashvinee are eight luminous stars. In the course of their transit through space the planets and stars approach each other in the period of sharat or autumn generating eight forces.”

“Chaara-nibandhana” also says, “According to the science of astronomy, planets and stars in the course of their perambulations happen to approach one-another. Then conflict  arises between the magnetic and electric forces of planet and star, and eight cold forces are generated in consequence.”

“Shakti-sarvasva” says, “When the star krittika comes near planet Mars, a force called shaktyudgamaa is generated. Similarly, by the star shatabhisha coming near the planet, Sun, a cold force called jwaalaamukhee is generated. By the nearness of mrigashiraa and Venus a damp cold windy force called mahojjwalaa is generated. By the approach of star makhaa to planet Saturn a force called shytya-damshtraa is generated. By the approach of chitta to Mercury a force called shytya-hymaa is generated. By the approach of shravana to Moon a cold wave force called sphoranee is generated. By the nearness of pushya to Ruru a force called mahormilaa in generated. And by the approach of ashwinee towards Jupiter a force called mandookinee is generated.

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These eight forces, shytyodgamaa, sheeta jwaalaa-mukhee, shytya-damshtraa, sheetarasa- jwaalaa, shytya hemaa, sphoranee, sheetarasa-ghanaatmikaa, and shytya-mandookinee,  by mutual inter-play according to the seasons, will become six new forces.”

Says “Ritukalpa,”–“In spring the differing forces will be 5, in summer 7. in the rainy season 8, in autumn 3, in hemanta or cold season 10, and in winter 2.

The 3 forces during autumn are as follows. The planet-star forces by contact with the sun’s rays, assume 3 forms. Sheeta-jwaala, shytya-damshtraa, and shytyodgamaa, coalesce and become sheetarasa-vaata shakti. Shytya-rasa-jwaalaa, shytya hymaa, and sphoranee coalesce and become vaari sheetasheekaraa shakti. Shytya-ghanarasaa and

shytya mandookinee become sheeta-vaata-rasa-praavaahika shakti.” Yantra Sarvasva Says,
“To protect the vimaana from the effects of these three forces the shaktyudgama yantra should be installed.

First with the shytyagraahaka loha or cold-absorbing metal, protective hoods should be prepared both for the pilot and for the plane. At the front and tail portion of the aeroplane cover should be fitted switches for contraction and expansion. In the front or elbow hinge of the supporting beam of the covers the two sandhi-keelie should be fitted. Three tubes should be prepared out of the cold-proof glass, and should be fitted in front and on either side of the pilot’s cock-pit. Bhraamanee chakra or wheel should be fitted at the front. When the three shaktis or forces attack the vimaana, the expansion wheel should be revolved vigorously. It will first cover the pilots and then cover the entire plane also. By operating the bhraamanee wheel the attacking forces will be slowly absorbed, and the shaktis will be forced through the cold air tubes. By operating the main switch of the naala tantries, or wires, the forces will be made to go through the tubes into the outside air, and vanish therein. The pilot and the vimaana will both be saved from danger.

“Loha-tantra” describes the shytya-graahaka loha, or cold absorbing metal as follows: Blue lotus, crowdika or rhinoceros horn or vaaraahi root, somakanda,
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vishwaavasu, crownchika alloy, chandrakaanta or moon-stone, vaardhyashvaka alloy, varuna tree, 5 kudmalas, simhaasya, shankhalavaa, and goose-berry, to be purified and in equal quantities filled in shundaalaka crucible, placed in chanchoomukha kunda, and with panchaanana bellows heated will yield a fine cold-capturing alloy.

“Darpana prakarana” describes cold-proof glass: lead, kapaalee, moonstone, castor, margosa seed, trinaanga or cus-cus grass, kshaara-traya or natron, salt-petre, and borax, suvarchalaa or sun-flower?, fine sand, bhaarika, collyrium or eye-black, kuranga or pallatory root, panchormikaa, chandrarasa, and shivarika, purified and in equal quantities filled in simhika crucible, placed in padmaakara furnace, and with the aid of shoorpodara bellows heated to 300 degrees, and poured into mould and cooled, will yield an excellent sheetaghna darpana or cold-proof glass.

Vakra-prasaarana Yantra:

Enemies attempt to destroy one’s vimaana by missiles and dambholi and other mechanisms. The pilot should discover them by means of mukura and other yantras and immediately change course and avoid the trouble. Therefore the Vakraprasaarana yantra, or diversion enabling mechanism should be installed in the vimaana.

Yantra Sarvasva says,

“When there is danger from dambholi and 8 other kinds of destructive mechanisms contrived by enemies, in order to escape that danger the vakraprasaarana yantra is


Sulphate of iron, sacred peepul gum, and copper 16 parts, krishnaaguru or black sandalwood 3 parts, zinc 5 parts, collyrium 1 part, should be purified and mixed and boiled with 100 degree heat. Aaraara copper alloy will be formed, goldish and light and hard. A wheel 3 feet wide and 3 feet high should be made out of it. It should have a pivot, and be installed in the bottom of the eeshaadanda axle moola of the vimaana. Four inches thick and of arm’s length, with 16 wheels having band-saw toothed edges attached to two pivots, oil-cleaned, with 3 joints, with oil-cleaned rods attached to the saw-toothed wheels, with keys; in the middle should be fixed 2 keys which will eject

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smoke, and 2 keys which will shut off smoke. Proper wiring should connect the several parts. This will enable the vimaana to zigzag like a serpent, to reverse, and to divert so as to avoid the danger zone, and get out safely.”

Shakti Panjarakeela Yantra:

In order to provide electric force to all parts of the vimaana and make them operate smoothly the shakti-panjara-keela yantra is to be installed.

According to Yantrasarvasva, “As a means of charging all parts of the vimaana with electric current the shakti-panjara-keela is prescribed. It is made as follows:

Steel, crownchika alloy, and iron, in the proportion of 10, 8, and 9, to be powdered and filled in crucible, and placed in aatapa furnace and heated to 100 degrees and charged with 10 degrees of electric current, will yield Shakti-garbha metal with which the yantra is to be made.

A peetha or plank of arm’s length and equal height, should be made out of above metal.  In the middle and at either end of the peetha three pivots with half moon shaped hinges should be fixed. A flat bar made of copper should be fixed and tightened with bolts. Pipes with holes are to be made out of the metal and equipped with rods fixed in the holes, and connected all round with wires, forming a strong caged globe. The cage should be fixed  at the top of the copper band. For the rods and wires in the cage to receive electric current a switch should be duly fixed at the bottom of the cage. And switches should be provided for all the 32 parts of the vimaana for electric connection and disconnection. This enables the plane to career through the sky in any desired direction.”

Shirah-Keelaka Yantra.

It is said in Kriyaa-saara, “When the plane is passing through a region of overhanging clouds, there is possibility of lightning striking and destroying the plane. As protection against that the shirah-keelaka yantra should be installed at the crest of the vimaana.”

The Yantra is described in Yantra Sarvasva:

“When there is danger of lightning striking the plane, the shirah-keelaka yantra is to protect it. Therefore it is explained below. An umbrella, of the

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same size as the top of the vimaana, with ribs and metal covering should be made out of vishakantha metal. The umbrella stick, of arm’s length, and peetha or stand, circular in shape, should be made out of the same metal. Then out of baka-tundila metal three wheeled keelakaas or hinges should be fixed at the front, back, and middle of the vimaana. The umbrella rod should be fixed in the middle of two keelakas.

The agnikuthaara crystal with metal cage should be fixed at the top like a crown. A three wheel switch revolving key should be fixed by the side of the pilot. Then wires made of kulishadhwamsa metal should be run from the crystal to the three wheeled revolving keelaka. In front of it shabda-naala tube with switch should be fixed. The yantra should  be enclosed in a cover made of suranjikaa glass. When there is anticipatory thunder in the clouds, the glass covering cracks, and the tube of the wiring will emit sounds, and the wires will be severely shaken. When the pilot notices these signs, he should quickly set in motion the three-wheel keelee, which will revolve the umbrella with 100 linka speed. Then the crystal switch should also be turned, where-upon the crystal will also revolve with intense speed. By the speed of the revolution of the umbrella, the force of lightning will be stemmed, and the danger will be passed, leaving the vimaana and the pilot safe. That is the use of the shirah-keela yantra.”

Shabdaakarshana yantra:

In order to tap or discover the sounds in the 8 directions of the vimaana, wired or wireless, up to 12 krosas or 27 miles, caused by birds or quadrupeds or by men, with 8 mechanisms, the shabdaakarshana yantra is prescribed to be fixed in the shoulder of the vimaana. A peetha or foot-plate four-cornered or round should be made out of bidaala metal, with a pivot in the centre. On either side should be fitted machines which will attract any kind of sound and repeat it. With the soft leather of roruva or grinjinee bird two ball-shaped domes should be fixed. Between them in a suraghaadarsa vessel katana- drava acid should be filled and the vessel should be installed. Above the acid vessel and between the two globes should be fixed sound spotting rod made of sound capturing ghantaara metal, fitted with a bunch of wires. It should be enclosed in a cover made of kwanaka glass. In the corner three thumb size wheeled knots should be fixed. From them to the rod fine strong wires should be connected. Enclosing the wires a karanda or

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container made by kwanaadarsa glass, with small holes should be placed. A vessel made of the same glass, shaped like a drona or grain measurer, should be placed on top of it. In the east and west and north and south 4 crystals named rudantee-ratikaa should be arranged with wires. Above it shabdaphenaka covering, with small shankus or screws fixed, should be placed. It should be covered by a covering made of kwanaadarsa glass, with 8 small holes. Wires starting from the screws and passing through the holes should reach the top of the covering. In the centre of it in an inch size hole simhaasya-danda- naala or tube should be fixed. In front of it a vaataapaakarshana chakra or wind wheel with 16 spokes with wires should be fixed. The wheels should be fixed in all 8 directions. In the simhaasya mukha naala or lion-faced tube on 8 sides revolving wheels should be fixed. 8 goblet like vessels made of pure vajeemukha metal should be fixed. Wires from

the 8 holes of the covering should be placed in them. Similarly from the wind wheel  wires should be connected to 8 screws in the 8 goblets on the simhaasya. Then from the 8 screws in shabda-phena, wires should be connected to the crystal in the acid vessel.

By the flow of wind the wheel turns with speedy right and left motion, and will set in motion the shabda-phena wheel. Then the wheels on the 8 screws also will turn. Then the sound detection rod made of sound-capturing ghantaara metal will be set in motion. Thereupon the two globes made of roruva-grinjinee skin will attract all sounds clearly  and store inside themselves. By moving the central switch there the sounds will pass through the simhaasya tube and enter the dronaasya vessel, and make the sounds clearly audible to the hearer. The pilot will listen to the voices and direct the plane away from the vicinity of danger. Hence the shabdaakarshana yantra is prescribed.
This yantra is in 32 varieties. And it is distinct from the 32 parts constituting the vimaana. Of the materials required for this yantra,–Byndaala Metal, according to Lohasarvasva, is
made as follows:

Zinc, sharkara or quartz powder?, kaanta or steel, mica, shilaarasa, kamatha or benzoin, dimbhaari, areca-nut, karagrathinee, copper, virinchi, karna or sal tree, patalee or long blue cucumber, gumbhalee, dumbholika alloy, kshaara or chloride, kraantika, simha, panja or momordika, dalinee, mercury, eye-black powder or surma?, kshonika, veera or red-lead, yellow

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thistle, madder-root, mridarutee, brass, iron, these articles should be powdered, and purified in equal quantities, filled in shashamoosha crucible, placed in mandooka furnace, and with five-mouthed bellows heated to 200 degrees and melted to eye-level, when cast will yield a fine, light, blue, bydaala alloy.

Rutana acid is explained in “Moolikaarka prakaasikaa” as follows:

Yellow thistle, karanda or iron pyrites, wild liquorice, paarvani or chlorodendrum phlomaides, chanchooli or red castor, bhantikaa or madder root, kaarambha, vishwesha, chandikaa or sesbenia grandiflora, amara or Indian turnsole?, shundaalika, barbaraasya, sowrambha or tooth-ache tree?, praana-kshaara or ammonium chloride, virinchi, borax, arka or calotropis gigantia, surubhee or basil, these in the proportion of 4, 3, 3, 5, 7, 12,
15, 1, 3, 10, 24, 25, 30, 12, 20, 8, purified and filled in vessel and boiled to 108 degrees, will become a fine yellow rutana-draavaka acid.

Ghantaarava metal is explained in Lohatantra:

Bell-metal, aaraara, ruchaka or patron.?, gaaruda or emerald stone?, shalyakrintana, panchaasya, veerana, rukma or gold-metal, shukatunda, and sulochana, these 10 metals purified and powdered in the proportion of 5, 3, 12, 2, 3, 7, 5, 30, 4, 24, should be filled in shukti crucible, wrapped all round with earth, placed in alaabu shaped furnace, and boiled to 500 degrees up to eye level, should be poured into the mould. A fine, light, scarlet metal which will record all sounds will result.

Kwanadarpana mirror is explained in Darpana Prakarana:

Wild liquorice seeds, red catechu, false catechu, white catechu, garadaka or a poison, 8 kinds of salt, salyaaka, vara or sodium chloride, sharkaraa or granite powder, budilaka salt, jwaalaamukha or wolf’s bane?, tundila or kayidonda, bydaala or arsenic?, shukatunda, ravimukha or magnifying glass, chancholika or red castor seed, arjuna or tin, luntaaka, varataala or yellow orpiment?, kuravaka or crimson thorny amaranth, kambodara, kaamuka or punnaaga or Alxandrian laurel or pinnay oil tree, these ingredients, after triple cleaning, are to be filled in padma crucible, placed in padmaakara furnace, and heated to 700 degrees, and poured in mould, will yield an excellent kwanadarpana glass.

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